Healing your Immune System Naturally

One in two People in Australia have an Autoimmune Disorder... are YOU one of them?

Lynda Dyer made some decisions that literally turned her life around with amazing results. She not only studied her body and found out how she got sick, she learned how to get better success. Did you know that diabetes, sinus, asthma, cancer, irritable bowel, dry eyes, Lupus, MS, kidney and liver problems, Heart health and Cancer are all under Autoimmune Disorders? PLUS MORE. Come and learn:  Why did she get so sick?  What is an Immune System?  What symptoms appear from an Immune System breakdown?  What is the latest Information and Research?  How did she heal herself?  What about the change in mindset?  What nutritional foods and products helped her to heal?  These are just some of the questions answered.

6:45 pm





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