What's your 30-second elevator speech?
Trusted by 500,000+ learners and developers, Zenva (https://academy.zenva.com) provides world-class training on in-demand programming skills covering game development, virtual reality and web development.
Our e-learning platform Zenva Academy is the leading place to upskill, learn and gain key tech skills for the innovation economy. Our curriculum is organized about Mini-Degrees™ which cover a wide range of technical subjects and include video, project files and mentor support.
Who inspires you the most to be the best you can be as a person?
These days who inspire me the most are my partner and 1-year old son, who also makes sure I'm awake throughout most of the night (for inspiration purposes, of course!
Can you tell us a little bit about your business, and the areas you specialise in?
We are an online academy that teaches coding and all of our activities take place online, so our company has been setup to 100% remotely, even before Covid. Our team is passionate about education and technology, and how it all intersects with gaming and creativity.
As a solo founder, I wear many hats and responsibilities. That includes managing the team, making sure things are running smoothly, and dealing with occasional crises. On occasion, I do enjoy going to product and creating content or coding, but these days most of what I do is empower the team to do it, and keep our projects well-scoped so that we can do more with limited resources.
Can you tell me about one of your client success stories?
We have a lot of really inspiring success stories (https://academy.zenva.com/category/success-stories/). There are many that I like, but one that comes to mind is that of our student Ryan Mininger (https://academy.zenva.com/teaching-finances-with-phaser-featuring-ryan-mininger/), who learned how to make games with our courses and then went to develop a financial literacy app for the government. This success story really showcases the effect that our courses can have in people's careers and communities.
What’s your favourite thing about working at Motive Coworking?
I was going to say the relaxed environment and how friendly everyone is, but the free coffee ice cream simply cannot be beaten!
What does life look like outside your business profile? What do you like doing for fun?
Swimming, surfing, having beers with friends, going for breakfast with my partner, playing with my son.
Is there anything you would like to share? Or anything you’d like to offer help with?
If anyone is interested in learning how to code and make games, make sure to check out our free introductory courses here: https://academy.zenva.com/product-category/free-courses/
Bonus Question: If you were a sandwich, what sort of sandwich would you be and why?
Something with rough edges. Maybe a crumbed fish sandwich with hidden pieces of chilli.